Friday, November 30, 2007
Thing #14 Technorati
As I mentioned earlier, I don't think that technorati will be a site that I would personally use too often. I just don't spend that much time on the internet. It was interesting the extreme difference it made in the way that you searched for a topic on the site. By just searching blog posts for "learning 2.0" there were 12,576 hits. The tags only generated 851. The last one, the blog directory, was actually my favorite. It had 836 hits but it also gave a brief description and listed how many other people are subscribed to it. I liked that if I was going to use this site, I could help narrow down my results by choosing a more commonly read blog. Going on the assumption that all those other people wouldn't read it unless it was good...but then we have Mitch Album so we know that not everything is a safe bet ;) I was surprised by the fact that I didn't even recognize half of what the most popular searches were talking about. A couple of the key, common things jumped out at me but I had no clue what most of it was.
Thing #13
This was my first experience with delicious. I wish they would have had something like this when I was still in graduate school :) The possibilities for research and information sharing seem endless. Out of all of the exercises and applications, this one has seemed the most intimidating so far. On the surface, it seems to be fairly easy to grasp or manage but after playing around with it for a little while, you realize that there is just so much very cool stuff that you can do with it. The one Slacker website tutorial mention that it had just been taken over by yahoo. That, I suppose, could make it even more commonplace and easier to grasp...over time :)
As far as the library goes, I think that this could be a great reference tool. We have so many patrons and students that are studying the same topics and subjects. It may be beneficial to create popular subject tags. It would be nice to have some "ready-made" resources available.
As far as the library goes, I think that this could be a great reference tool. We have so many patrons and students that are studying the same topics and subjects. It may be beneficial to create popular subject tags. It would be nice to have some "ready-made" resources available.
Thing #12 Rollyo
This is the link to the children's book search roll I created. I could see how this type of search engine could be very beneficial if you were working on a specific topic or subject over an extended period of time. I have done research and have forgotten how and where I found specific information since google searches offer up such broad results bases on how you word your query. It would even be helpful to locate search rolls that other people have created for the same topic. It could cut your workload down considerably. On many of the quick search questions, however, I still think google or yahoo will be a much quicker way to search.
This is the link to the children's book search roll I created. I could see how this type of search engine could be very beneficial if you were working on a specific topic or subject over an extended period of time. I have done research and have forgotten how and where I found specific information since google searches offer up such broad results bases on how you word your query. It would even be helpful to locate search rolls that other people have created for the same topic. It could cut your workload down considerably. On many of the quick search questions, however, I still think google or yahoo will be a much quicker way to search.
Thing #11 Library Thing
My Library Thing was started with ten books. I have used a similar application on facebook. You can search for book topic discussions or the application will generate a list of forums based upon your book list. I used this application a lot the few months leading up the the release of the 7th Harry Potter book. This is a great place for lively and fun book and character discussions!
Thing #10 Playing around with image generators

I enjoyed the FD toys the most. I also bookmarked The Generator Blog so that I could play with it some more after these exercises are over. One of my best friends especially loved the Chimp-O-Matic that I sent him to check out.
Thing #9 Finding Feeds
Well, I checked out 3 of the 4 feed searching tools that were mentioned. I tried two different times to look at feedster but it kept saying that the page was unavailable so i skipped that one. Of the three, I think I liked the best. It was pretty straight forward and didn't distract me with "shiny objects"., however, could be very distracting. There is so much going on that I got sucked into reading half a dozen news stories before I started using the search engine. I don't even like the news!! If you do, however, want to flit around reading random interesting bits, would probably be the way to go. I don't really like reading lots of blogs on a regular basis. I read all the blogs that my friends write but maybe because of my lack of free time, I don't like to read random ones. I thought that all of the sites were pretty user-friendly and similar to each other in the way that you use them.
Thing #8 RSS
This is the link to my public bloglines account. I had never used a blogline account before. This is the first exercise that has been completely new to me. I do really like the concept of the blogline. I do not spend much time at a computer for my day job right now but I can see how it will be very helpful and time saving for people who do. A year ago, i would have loved this. I used to spend the first hour or so at work just visiting the different sites getting caught up on everything. I like having everything grouped there together and it was a very easily navigated and manageable site. i will probably spend a bit more time fine tuning my subscriptions over the next little bit. As I said, i don't spend that much time on the computer anymore but it will be nice to link all my favorite sites into one stop.
This is the link to my public bloglines account. I had never used a blogline account before. This is the first exercise that has been completely new to me. I do really like the concept of the blogline. I do not spend much time at a computer for my day job right now but I can see how it will be very helpful and time saving for people who do. A year ago, i would have loved this. I used to spend the first hour or so at work just visiting the different sites getting caught up on everything. I like having everything grouped there together and it was a very easily navigated and manageable site. i will probably spend a bit more time fine tuning my subscriptions over the next little bit. As I said, i don't spend that much time on the computer anymore but it will be nice to link all my favorite sites into one stop.
Thing #7 Digital Archives

I chose to post a picture of the Parthenon Museum in Centennial Park, Nashville. It was one of the first places I visited when I moved to this area. It is simply beautiful!
I had a few more issues uploading this picture from the archives than I did from working with flickr. I ended up saving it to my desktop and then uploading it from there. I may have gone the long way around :)
Platform 9 3/4
This is a picture of my Mother and I at Platform 9 3/4 at King's Cross Station in London. No. It did not open up magically to reveal the Hogwart's Express. It wasn't the 1st of September, though...
York Minster
This is one of my very favourite buildings in the whole world. It was love at first sight.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Thing #4 The Online library
I recently spent some time on the Rosetta Stone resource. I am planning a trip to Paris in March and would like to learn some basic French. I spent years taking Spanish in school and can barely ask where the bathroom is but I am determined to master some important key phrases! I was surprised by the way the lessons are set up in the program. There is essentially no English. It was/is a bit intimidating but I think, overall, it makes the lessons easier to keep and build upon. I am still struggling through but I am confident that as long as I keep with it, I should be able to learn some basics over the next few months. My sister, who is traveling with me, is also working with the Rosetta Stone program. She says that she can read and pronounce the names and places better just because of the program and learning the different fluctuations (is that the right word???) of the language. I have already recommended this program to every patron that comes in looking for French and Spanish language tapes and books.
Thing #3 - Lifelong Learning
Nevermind...Im going to abandon Royce for a little bit longer.....
It was very obvious to me which habit is most difficult for me. I have a hard time working toward a specific goal. I set them. I add to them. I change them. They never appear to be anything closely resembling what I started with. It sometimes feels as if I never accomplish anything but I change what Im working toward so constantly that Im never given the opportunity to completely reach a goal. I think the easiest habit for me is the one about learning new things every day. That is one of my favorite things (and may contribute to my constantly changing goals). Im am also very good at playing but I think that may be a direct result of the wanting to learn new things thing :)
It was very obvious to me which habit is most difficult for me. I have a hard time working toward a specific goal. I set them. I add to them. I change them. They never appear to be anything closely resembling what I started with. It sometimes feels as if I never accomplish anything but I change what Im working toward so constantly that Im never given the opportunity to completely reach a goal. I think the easiest habit for me is the one about learning new things every day. That is one of my favorite things (and may contribute to my constantly changing goals). Im am also very good at playing but I think that may be a direct result of the wanting to learn new things thing :)
I TOLD you I would get back to this!! :)
So, here's my second blog. Yes, Im way behind. It took me forever just trying to figure out what I had used for my password. THEN, I was trying to remember where I had left off and what I had last read. THEN, I had to talk to the smelly cat guy and lost my concentration. Sheesh. A day in the life, you just have no idea :) Seriously, I feel like I have abandoned Royce for far too long at the desk and I haven't really accomplished anything. I do, for the moment, remember my password!! Im not typing anything overly entertaining or important but I felt that it was necessary to prove that I had been here...trying.
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