Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I TOLD you I would get back to this!! :)

So, here's my second blog. Yes, Im way behind. It took me forever just trying to figure out what I had used for my password. THEN, I was trying to remember where I had left off and what I had last read. THEN, I had to talk to the smelly cat guy and lost my concentration. Sheesh. A day in the life, you just have no idea :) Seriously, I feel like I have abandoned Royce for far too long at the desk and I haven't really accomplished anything. I do, for the moment, remember my password!! Im not typing anything overly entertaining or important but I felt that it was necessary to prove that I had been here...trying.

1 comment:

Mel Hiers said...

You have a smelly cat guy too? Well, ours is a smelly cat old lady. But I feel your pain. :-)