Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Thing #21 continued

I got so excited that the video showed up where it was supposed to that I hit post without adding any text! Lol!

I have only ever added links to videos. I never knew how to send the whole thing. Very cool! I was not able to figure out how to add my blogger account to my youtube account. It kept telling me that my email address and password were not correct. They soooo were! Anyway, I used the embeddable player. I chose the video I did, essentially, because a friend of mine had recently sent it to me. It was the first thing that I thought of and it always makes me laugh. The man cold - so true!

You tube has several library oriented possibilities. Instructional videos are the first thing that come to mind. As mentioned in the 2.0 instructions, we've watched several of these over the last few weeks. I have found some to be very helpful and some, not at all. For instruction, I like the step by step, screen shot ones the best.

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